Phone: 281-329-4778


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Fine Arts: Dance Certified: -Mathematics 4-8 -Dance 6-12

Ms. Washington

I'm Ms. Washington and I am a 6th grade math teacher. I graduated from AMDA College and Conservatory of Performing Arts with a BFA in Dance. I started teaching in 2020 after getting certified to teach math and dance. I am also the Fillies Dance Team Coach. I love traveling to new places and spending time with my kids. 

Teacher Schedule

    Period 1: Math 6th Grade (8:50–9:50) 
    Period 2: Math 6th Grade (9:55–10:45)
    Period 3: Math 6th Grade (10:50–11:40)
    Period 4: Conference Period (11:45–12:35)
                  *C-Lunch (12:40 - 1:10)*
    Period 5: Math 6th Grade AAC (1:15–2:05)
    Period 6: Math 6th Grade (2:10–3:00)
    Period 7: Math 6th Grade (3:05–4:10)

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials by request