Phone: 281-329-5096


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Christopher Rivera

Welcome to band! This is my first year as head director of the Lake Olympia Mustang Band and I am very excited to see where we will go. I am a product of Fort Bend ISD. I attended Hightower High School and later went on to study music education at the University of Houston. I've been in and loved band since 6th grade. My primary instrument is the tuba. My passion is music, but I believe that every student has the ability to be successful in anything they wish, even if that isn't band. We work on teaching the whole student, not just music, but lessons and skills for life. 

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Conference Period / Band Staff PLC

    Period 2: Non-Varsity Band II / Symphonic Band

    Period 3: Varsity Band III / Honors Band

    Period 4: Clarinet - Band I

    Period 5: Trumpet - Band I

    Period 6: Trombone - Band I

    Period 7: Tuba and Euphonium - Band I

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials upon request.