
  • Welcome to the Lake Olympia Middle School Attendance Office. 

    General Fort Bend ISD Attendance policies and procedures can be found in the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook
      When is an absence excused?
    • Illness and medical appointments
    • Required court appearances
    • Religious holy days approved by FBISD
    • Activities related to obtaining U.S. citizenship
    • Funerals for immediate family members
    • FBISD extracurricular activities
    • College visits for high school juniors and seniors (up to two days)

    Personal or family emergency is not an excused absence and will be marked unexcused.

    Excuse notes should always include:

    • Student's full name
    • Student's student ID number
    • Date(s) of absence
    • Date of absence note submittal
    • Reason for absence
    • Parent contact information
    • Please put your student’s initial, last name and ID# in the subject line.  Emails without a subject line will be rejected by the FBISD firewall.

    Submitting an excuse note: 

    • Absence notes can be submitted via email to:
    • Notes must be turned in no later than 5 days upon returning to school.  If a note is not received within the 5 days, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.
    • A student who has had surgery, been hospitalized, or miss more than 4 consecutive days due to illness, must provide a physician signed medical release to return to school.  The form should contain any restrictions or limitations regarding the student’s functioning capacity while in attendance at school
    • Keep copies of all correspondence.
    • A medical note can be scanned and emailed directly to the campus Attendance Clerk via email at:
    • WHAT IF A STUDENT IS MISTAKENLY MARKED ABSENT?  If you receive a call/email that your child was marked absent during the day, but you know they were on campus/online, please contact the teacher for that period (s).  Ask the teacher to verify the absence and if incorrect to notify the Attendance clerk if a correction needs to be made.

     Anticipated Absences
    • When you know in advance that you will need to be absent, it is to your educational advantage to talk to your teachers and arrange to get your assignments ahead of time.  Notes for pre-planned absences should be sent to the Assistant Principal at least three school days before the absences occur to determine if the absences will be excused.

Contact Us

  •  Attendance Office
    Clemesha Williams                                   
    281-634-3566 (phone)
    281-634-3549 (fax)