Attendance Policies and Procedures

  • General Fort Bend ISD Attendance policies and procedures can be found in the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook.

    All Day Absences

    When a student misses one or more days of school, please send an email to

    1. The absence is excused only if an email is received by the Attendance Office within five (5) days of the student’s return to school and is an excusable reason for absence.  If an email is not received within five (5) days, the absence will be coded unexcused.
    2. A student who has had surgery or been hospitalized should provide a physician-signed release to return to school.
    3. Students out of school three (3) or more consecutive days must turn in a doctor's note within 5 days of return to school or absence will be coded unexcused.
    4. If a student misses 20 minutes or more of a class, they are considered absent for that class. 

    Arriving Late to School

    1. Students arriving to school after 7:30 will be marked tardy by their teacher.
    2. Students arriving to school after 7:50 have missed half of 1st period and are marked absent for 1st period by their teacher.  Students will need to sign in at the attendance office.
    3. Students will not be allowed to repeatedly interrupt 1st period class due to their late arrival to school. A student who is repeatedly tardy to 1st period may be subject to truancy consequences.
    4. Students arriving 20 minutes late to any class period throughout the day will be counted absent.

    Leaving School Early

    No students may be picked up after 2:15 p.m.  Parents should plan to arrive at AHS no later than 2:05 in order to arrive at the Attendance Office prior to the Attendance Office window closing at 2:15 p.m.  Traffic gets backed up in the afternoon, so please keep this in mind when picking your student up early.

    If your student is in athletics, please plan to pick them up before or after the athletics period or email a note ahead of time so the coach can be alerted.  

    Parents and students must adhere to the following procedures:

    • Please send an email to the Attendance Office prior to 1st period, so we can have your child ready for pick up.
    • If your student is driving off campus, please send an email to the attendance office prior to them leaving to give permission for your student to drive.
    • Any student leaving school for any reason must check out at the attendance office or go to the clinic if ill. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.  

    For your student's safety, parents/guardians picking up the student MUST be on that student's emergency contact list and have valid picture ID.  Uber, Lyft, etc. is NOT allowed.


    • Absence criteria TBD by district ...
    • 3 tardies = 1 absence (for exemption purposes only)
    • No fines or fees
    • 80 or above for semester
    • Passed EOC in eligible course
    • Any questions?  Ask your Assistant Principal!

    Anticipated Absences

    When you know in advance that you will need to be absent, it is to your educational advantage to talk to your teachers and arrange to get your assignments ahead of time. Notes for preplanned absences should be sent to the Assistant Principal at least three school days before the absences occur to determine if the absences will be excused.