Teacher Information

Phone: 281.3290446


Degrees and Certifications:

BFA Theatre Arts Minor in English and Secondary Education Texas Certifications in Theatre, English, and Social Studies

Ms. Roberta Lakavage

Ms. Lakavage earned a BFA in Theatre Arts from SHSU and landed in Tarkington ISD. There she taught middle school and high school for the past 20 years. Over those years, she taught English, Social Studies, and her special love and specialty, Theatre.

In her free time, she enjoys reading, painting, Jeepin’, being outside, pretending her dog understands what she's saying, and imagining her son is calling just to say hello and not to ask for a favor.

  • 1st Period: Theatre I 6

    2nd Period: Theatre I 7-8

    3rd Period: Theatre I 6 

    4th Period: Theatre I 6

    5th Period: Conference  

    6th Period: Theatre I 6  

    7th Period: Theatre III/Production 7-8


  • Monday 8:20am-8:45am