Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-3154


Degrees and Certifications:

M.Ed at University of St.Thomas (Curriculum and Instruction) B.S. at Texas Southern University (Interdisciplinary Studies)

Miss Joselyn Coats

I am a product of FBISD schools. I graduated from Dulles High School and went on to major in secondary education at Texas Southern University. I also received my Masters' Degree from the University of St.Thomas in Curriculum and Instruction. I have been teaching for 18 years as well as coaching the cheer squad for 15 years.ELA has always been my favorite subject so I have a love for reading and writing. 

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: AAC ELA
    Period 2: Literacy
    Period 3: ELA Block
    Period 4: ELA
    Period 5: Conference Period 
    Period 6: ELA Block
    Period 7: ELA

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tuesdays 8:20-8:45