• Missed School? What to do when your student is absent with email and hand holding pen icon

Missed School?

  • Within 5 school days after the absence:

    • Email an absence note to the school's attendance clerk
    • Turn in the absence note once the student returns to school

    Absence notes must be received by the Attendance Office within 5 days of returning to school, or it will result in an unexcused absence. Parents can attach supporting documents, such as doctor's notes, to absence note emails.


    Attendance in middle school is taken every class period, every day. If you feel your student was marked absent in error, email the teacher first, and the teacher will notify the attendance office if a correction needs to be made.

    It is not necessary to call and inform the school of an absence. All excuses must be received in writing, either brought with the student upon their return to school or via email to the attendance office. Parents will still receive an automated message informing them of their child’s absence. The attendance office cannot pre-code an absence.

    All notes for absences must be received within 5 days of the student’s return to school. Absences longer than 4 consecutive days must be accompanied by a doctor's note. Absence notes should include the following information:

    • Student’s first and last name
    • Student’s grade and ID number
    • Date of and reason for absence(s)
    • Parents first and last name with contact number or email

    Personal or family emergencies are not excused absences and will be marked unexcused. If no reason is given for the absence (“excuse my child”), or no note within 5 days of the absence, the absence will be unexcused.

    Notify the attendance office for all religious holiday absences to confirm that they can be excused.

    Students may not call/text parents asking to be picked up early. The clinic will contact you if it is determined that the student needs to go home due to illness. If your child is not feeling well in the morning, please do not send him/her to school.

    It is understood that occasionally, appointments must be made during instructional time. The latest that a student can be picked up is 3:40. Students will be called out of class after a parent/guardian arrives. Parents/guardians must show a valid ID and be an approved person to pick up students.

    Students are expected to be in class as soon as the bell rings. Students that are 19 minutes or less to class will be tardy. Students that are 20 minutes or more will be late and considered absent from that class period.

    Excessive tardies and absences will be subject to disciplinary action. Excessive unexcused absences will be subject to truancy measures.

    Texas state law mandates that students attend all classes at least 90% of the time. Students may be assigned Saturday school and/or detention to make up the time that is missed.

    Refer to the attendance section of the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook for more information regarding attendance.


Middle School Attendance Counts!

  • Daily attendance in school is a strong indicator of future success.

    Per the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook provided by Texas Education Agency, a student is considered either present or absent at the official attendance-taking time, known as snapshot.

    Each campus attendance is determined by the number of students present at this important designated snapshot time. The middle school snapshot time is 10:15 a.m.

    To ensure academic engagement and successful learning, all students should be present daily by snapshot and remain academically engaged all day.