• Meet the String Instruments

    It is important to know which instrument you like the sound of and will want to play, and also equally as important to know what all of the instruments in the orchestra do. We need students on every instrument in the orchestra so that we can produce a beautiful, balanced, and blended sound when we play together as an ensemble.

    Double Bass
    The string family’s largest instrument, the string or double bass may be played with a bow or plucked by hand in either sitting or standing positions. The bass is the deepest voice of the string family and can function as a rhythmic accompaniment or as a solo instrument. The deep response of the bass gives foundation and “bottom” to the orchestra.
    Bass Video 1 | Bass Video 2 

    Played under the chin in much the same manner as the violin, the viola is slightly larger and tuned differently than its sister instrument. A larger tone chamber endows the viola with its mellow qualities and enables it to produce somber, moody tones. The alto voice of the string family, the viola adds depth and richness and is vital for string ensembles and quartets.
    Viola Video 1 | Viola Video 2

    Officially known as the violincello, the cello represents the tenor voice of the string section. Tuned a full octave lower than the viola, the cello produces deep lower registers and subdued higher tones. Unlike either the violin or the viola, the cello is supported on the floor by an endpin while the seated performer steadies the instrument with his or her knees.
    Cello Video 1 | Cello Video 2 |

    Unaltered for centuries, the violin is perhaps the most widely recognized orchestral instrument. Whether you call it a violin or a fiddle, it is the string family’s soprano or highest voice. High pitched, beautifully toned, the violin is often used as a lead or solo instrument, particularly in music demanding fast passage work.
    Violin Video 1 | Violin Video 2

    Depictions of harps date back to ancient Egypt, making the harp we know now a result of thousands of years of evolution. Known for its majestic and heavenly tone, the harp has a wide range that requires great dexterity and great hand coordination from those who play it. Students seeking to play harp must have a piano background of at least 2 years on piano and be willing to take private harp lessons. 
    Harp Video 1 | Harp Video 2