Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-5369


Degrees and Certifications:

MEd Educational Administration and Supervision UHV Houston BEd Secondary Education Honors English & French Second Language Learning UNB Canada Principal (EC-12) Secondary English (6-12) Secondary English Language Arts (6-12) English as a Second Language Elementary Self-Contained (1-8) Gifted and Talented Instructional Leadership Development (ILD)

Mrs. Michelle Arastu

I feel fortunate to have served for over 25 years in education working with grades 2-12 as well as at the college level.  I've experienced the classroom through a variety of courses: English, French and English Second Language, math, social studies, science, journalism, economics, and entrepreneurship and as a campus specialist.  I have loved every minute of this adventure.


Formal Accomplishments

Teacher of the Year Finalist, Fort Settlement Middle School

FSMS HAABSE Teacher of the Year, FBISD

District Teacher of the Year, SBISD

Teacher of the Year, Edgewood Elementary, SBISD

Teacher of the Year, Thornwood Elementary, SBISD

West Houston Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year Finalist



Arastu, Michelle and Gebhardt, L.D. (2015). Passion, I See, is Catching: Motivating Middle Level Students through Learner-Centered Shakespeare Projects. Voices from the Middle, 23(1), National Council of Teachers of English.

Arastu, Michelle and Arastu, Sadaka (2020). All that you can be, My Girl. Amazon/Kindle: Houston, Texas. https://www.amazon.com/All-that-you-can-Girl/dp/B08D53GZYG



Teacher Schedule


    Period 1 Conference

    Period 2 and 3: Beginner ESL

    Period 4 and 5: Intermediate ESL

    Period 6: Second Language Acquisition Coaching

    Period 7: PLC/Compliance


    Monday-Friday 8:20 am