Phone: 281-634-6377


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. in Elementary Education (Sam Houston State University, 1995) Master of Library Science (Sam Houston State University, 2014) Certified EC-4 Generalist Certified English 1-8 Certified School Librarian

Mrs. Melannie Boullion

Hello!  My name is Melannie Boullion and I am your Sartaria librarian!  This is my 14th year as a school librarian, and my 18th year in Fort Bend ISD, as both a classroom teacher and school librarian.  I am married and have two children.  My daughter graduated from FBISD and in December, 2023 she graduated from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.  Go Cyclones!  My son also graduated from FBISD and is a sophmore at LSU. Geaux Tigers!  We also have a lively pug named Valentina.  I am originally from the Rio Grande Valley. 

I fell in love with reading when my grandpa gave me a copy of Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary for Christmas when I was in 3rd grade. When I was in middle school (or junior high as it was called then) my mom was my school counselor. Her office was in the library. I felt like such a lucky kid because I was able to hang out in the library every day after school while my mom worked. I even spent many summer days in that junior high library, tagging along with mom and reading tons of books. Mom was a former high school English teacher, and she encouraged me to read anything and everything. We frequented the public library and the used book store in a neighboring town. I have terrific memories of reading as a youngster, and I want my students to have fantastic reading memories as well! The most successful people in this world are voracious readers!

I am a HUGE advocate of listening to audiobooks, and take in most of my books in this capacity. I absolutely love research and learning new things!  

My personal mission statement:

I strive to be a world-class librarian by remaining a constant learner that encourages critical thinking through reading for leisure, research, and personal growth.