• Sartartia Cell Phone Policy 

    • No phones may be in students’ possession during the instructional day. A phone is not considered an allowable instructional device. Instructional devices that are permitted are either laptops or tablets used for instructional purposes with the permission of a teacher.
    • When students arrive on campus in the morning, they will report to their assigned holding area (common, courtyard, or gym). Students will be permitted to use their phones at school in the morning holding areas between 8:20-8:40am and after dismissal at the end of the day at 4:10pm.
    • Phones must be powered off and stored in the students' backpack during the instructional day (8:40-4:10). If you are issued a locker, they must be stored in your locker. 
    • Students may not use their phones or devices to access and use any social media at any time while students are on campus, including before and after school.
    • Students may not use their phone to take photos or videos at any time while they are on campus, including before and after school. Phone use in the locker room or restroom is considered a severe violation and will be considered the fourth offense.
    • Using earbuds and headphones in one ear only is permitted before and after school unless using them for instructional purposes during class time as instructed by staff.
    • If a phone is discovered in a student’s possession or if a student misuses their own instructional device, the following steps will be taken:First Offense—Device is confiscated and delivered to the front office for end-of-day student pickup and recorded in Skyward with a referral.Second Offense—Same as the first offense.Third Offense—Same as first and second offense, and student fined (per policy in the current FBISD Student/Parent Handbook).Fourth Offense or Severe Violation—Student device will no longer be allowed on campus and if brought to school, must be dropped off at the front office each day. Student is fined, a parent must pick up the phone, and a referral submitted to their administrator.
    • Offenses will start over at the beginning of each semester.
    • Students with electronic watches and other “smart devices” must conform to district and school policy; any misuse will follow the same procedures for cell phones and other student-owned devices.
    • Some students will be exempt from these expectations due to documented health monitoring or medical necessity.
    • Parents needing to contact their children during the instructional day regarding transportation or for emergencies may call (281) 634-6310 in order to have a message delivered to their child.
    • If a student needs to call home for any reason, they will be able to use one of the phones in the office or in the teacher’s classroom with permission.
    • Sartartia Middle School is not responsible for the loss or theft of student-owned devices.