Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-0958


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Political Science, University of Texas- San Antonio M.A. Political Science, St. Mary's University

Mrs. Miranda

I have been teaching at Sartartia since 2012. I currently teach sixth grade World Cultures and Geography. Before teaching middle school (sixth and seventh grade social studies), I taught World History and U.S. History at the high school level, and government courses at the college level. I am an Austinite and proud alumna of the original Austin High!

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials are Wednesdays from 8:20-8:45 AM (or by appointment).

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: World Cultures and Geography    
    Period 2: Conference Period
    Period 3: World Cultures and Geography    
    Period 4: World Cultures and Geography  
    Period 5: Pre-AP World Cultures and Geography    
    Period 6: Pre-AP World Cultures and Geography    
    Period 7: Pre-AP World Cultures and Geography