Phone: (281) 634-6870


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science-Health Information Management Generalist Grades (4-8) English as a Second Language Supplemental Grades (4-8)

Mrs. Adrian Savoy

I love learning about the natural world around me, and I love sharing my excitement and knowledge about this awesome blue planet with our students.  I am a graduate of Texas Southern University, College of Pharmacy and Allied Health.  I have taught Middle School Science for grades 7 and 8 for 20 years.  I am married, a mother of two, and we have an awesome black chihuahua named Diamond.  Together we can help our students understand their potential to be who they were born to be!  


Teacher Schedule

  • 1st Period - Science 8
    2nd Period - Science 8
    3rd Period - Science 8
    4th Period - Science 8
    5th Period - Planning/Conference Period
    6th Perod - Science 8 AAC
    7th Period - Science 8 AAC 

Planning Period

  • Tuesday - Wednesday 

    3:25 p.m. - 4:10 p.m.

    Monday - Thursday - Friday 

    3:20 p.m. - 4:10 p.m.

    You may still leave questions and comments on Schoology email after office hours.


    Tuesday 4:20 p.m. - 4:55 p.m.