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6th Grade Longhorn Round Up
Welcome To The Ranch – Class of 2020
Incoming sixth graders are invited to attend the "Welcome To The Ranch" event on August 9, 2017. This event is the first step in your successful orientation to Baines Middle School. It is a one-day, action-packed party for incoming sixth graders that is led by BMS students, teacher and staff.
What will attendees do?
Take school fall photo (This will also be the yearbook picture)
Receive information about ordering the 2018 Yearbook
Receive course list and find classrooms
Receive textbooks
Receive locker assignment and have a chance to visit and open lockers
Test your knowledge about BMS with a competitive Kahoot game
Meet current BMS student leaders on campus
Learn how to get around the building.
Dress Code Fashion Show courtesy of some teachers
Photo Stop – socialize with your friends and take pictures (own device is needed for this stop)
Meet your principals, counselors and meet several teachers
When and where is it?
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Baines Middle School
Last names - A-K – 9 a.m. -12 p.m.
Last names - L-Z – 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The cost is $10 which includes a BMS Class of 2020 T-shirt, a drink, snack and an exciting first experience at Baines. Fee waived for students on free/reduced lunch. To secure your shirt, even if unable to attend, please register for orientation. If unable to attend, your shirt will be delivered to your student the first week of school. Extra shirts will be ordered but the price will remain the same.
Overflow parking will be available at the St. Angela Merici Catholic Church (to the left of the church upon entering, away from the construction area only) and the Harvest United Methodist Church across the street.
While your student is enjoying their Round-Up experience, feel free to remain in the commons (cafeteria) for some parent-specific information.
The following topics will be discussed:
- AVID binders
- Kickstart Kids Karate
- Skyward and Naviance
We will also host a Q & A session with a panel of recent BMS alumni for a student perspective on middle school.
Parents are welcome to stay for all, or some, of the discussion topics – or feel free to leave campus and come back at pick-up time. Student pick-up will be in the commons at the same table where the Round-Up experience started.
Kona Ice trucks will be parked on the bus ramp after Longhorn Round-Up!
Registation Deadline is Friday, July 14, 2017
To register, please Click Here