Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-6268


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Special Education EC-12 Grades Math 4-8 Grades

Ms. Andrea Smith

Welcome to Sartartia Middle School! For more than 20 years, I have been an educator in pre-school, special education, and middle school math. I attended the University of Texas at Austin. Currently, I enjoy teaching our 6th graders in Math 6 classes, AAC Math 6 classes, and sponsoring the Marine Biology Club and Math Club. Outside of school, I love being a mom to 3 wonderful daughters. All three girls attended Fort Bend ISD schools and Texas universities.

As a parent and educator, I believe that my responsibility is to provide an environment where students feel safe taking risks in learning, to instill a sense of community for students to work and learn cooperatively, and to inspire students to dream and plan for their futures.


Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Math 6
    Period 2: Conference
    Period 3: AAC Math 6
    Period 4: AAC Math 6
    Period 5: Math 6
    Period 6: Math 6
    Period 7: AAC Math 6

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorial 1: Thursdays 8:20-8:45 a.m.
    Tutorial 2: by appointment