College & Career Readiness
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College, Career, Military ReadinessYour College and Career Readiness Advisor, is available for students to seek advice in regards to postsecondary planning, assist with college applications, applying for scholarships, revise college essays, inform students about different colleges, and assist with military recruitment. Parents are also welcome to reach out to Ms. Hidalgo if they have questions and concerns regarding postsecondary education/careers.The CCR Center is located on the main hallway at the very back of the building (near the hallway to the Gyms).
What does it mean to be College Ready?
A student who is “college ready” is prepared for any postsecondary goal without the need for college remediation. The student meets the minimum Texas Success Initiative scores through the SAT, ACT, or TSIA2.
*College Remediation: College Remediation is enrolling in additional developmental courses (English and Math) at a 2 or 4 year institution to prepare a student to complete standard college-level courses. These courses will not count towards the students degree plan and must be taken prior to enrolling in standard college-level courses.
What does it mean to be Career Ready?
The student has completed or is working towards an industry certificate. The student has met TSI benchmark through the SAT, ACT, or TSIA2.
What does it mean to be Military Ready?
The student has successfully completed the ASVAB exam and met the required score for a specific branch of the military. The student has completed and submitted enlistment documentation to the recruiter and high school.
College & Career Readiness Advisor
Ms. Jackie Hidalgo
Originally from California, I have lived in Texas since 1999. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy after high school, have travelled a little bit, and raised two children. Helping students navigate the path towards their post-secondary goals has become one of my favorite things to do every day.
Contact Info:
- Phone: 281-634-3728
- Email:
- BS Communications, University of Houston-Victoria
- AA General Studies, Wharton County Jr. College