Phone: 281-634-3360


Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Organizational Management from UI & U (LA, CA) AP Spanish and Culture Certification from Rice University, HO, TX

Mrs. Zayda Rodriguez

Hello! My name is Zayda Rodriguez, and I am a proud member of the LOTE team at Hightower High School. I am thrilled to begin my third year on this wonderful campus. This year marks my eleventh with FBISD and my 20th year in education. I look forward to another fantastic year of learning and growth!

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Zayda Rodríguez y soy un miembro orgulloso del equipo de LOTE en Hightower High School. Estoy emocionada de comenzar mi tercer año en este maravilloso campus. Este año marca mi undécimo con FBISD y mi vigésimo año en la educación. ¡Espero con ansias otro año fantástico de aprendizaje y crecimiento!



 281.634.5240 (Please leave a voice mail message, I will be able to contact you after 3:00 p.m.)


Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management, Union Institute & University (Los Angeles, CA)

Teaching Certification:

LOTE (EC-12)-Spanish

AP Spanish Language and Culture, Rice University

Currently attending Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico for MA Degree in Spanish


  • Period 1 Spanish II

    Period 2 Spanish II

    Period 3 Conference

    Period 4 Spanish for Spanish Speakers

    Period 5 Spanish for Spanish Speakers

    Period 6 Spanish II

    Period 7 Spanish II

    Period 8 Spanish II

    Block A days: 1, 3, 5 and 7 only

    Black B days: 2, 4, 6, & 8

  • Mondays and Thursdays

    3:00 - 4:00 p.m.