Teacher Information

Phone: 281-327-5200


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science, Prairie View A&M University *Physical Education (K-12) *English Language Arts (8-12) *English as a Second Language-Supplemental (K-12)

Mrs. Emily Gilds

"Every child deserves a champion-an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be." 

-Rita Pierson

Welcome to Physical Education!  This is my 14th year as a teacher, and I am very passionate about motivating my students to work beyond the limits they may have placed upon themselves in the past. I believe that good health is the foundation for all success, so my goal is for all students to learn to prioritize their mental and physical health. I'm so excited about coaching your child. Go Blue Jays!

  • 5th Grade- 8:15-9:00 
    Planning- 9:00-9:45
    4th Grade- 9:45-10:30
    3rd Grade-10:35-11:20
    Lunch- 11:20-11:50
    2nd Grade-1:35-2:20