Hammonds, Leah
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Phone: 281/329-0340
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Business Administration, San Francisco State University, 2002 Special Education EC - 12, 2019 General Education EC - 6 with STR, 2019 Capturing Kids' Hearts Certified Crisis Prevention Intervention Certified
Mrs. Leah Hammonds
I graduated from San Francisco State University way back in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, so teaching is my second career. I was out of the workforce for many years, choosing to stay home with our young children. My husband is a corporate pilot, my daughter is now a sophomore at Clements High School, and my son is an 8th grader right here at FCMS! I dabbled in substitute teaching starting in 2017, and was one of 4 people awarded the FBISD Grow Our Own Grant in the spring of 2019, which sent me through my alternative certificate program. This is my 6th year teaching Special Education Resource classes, and I absolutely love my job!
I am originally from Michigan, and The Hammonds clan lives right here in Sugar Land with our boxers Charlotte and Rosie.