Teacher Information



Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education Wagner College Fort Bend Gifted & Talented Certification

Mrs. Grogan

Welcome to fifth-grade at Scanlan Oaks Elementary! This is my 19th year teaching in the Sienna community. Being an educator is my calling- I knew it was for me when I had an amazing teacher way back in third grade! I have a passion for connecting with students and having fun while we learn together.

Originally from Maine, I graduated from Wagner College in NY. My husband, Scott and I moved to Texas in 1996. We have two grown kids, Maggie (ER nurse in San Antonio) & John (computer scientist in Dallas). In our free time, we love to be outdoors appreciating nature, going for walks, biking, and enjoying our time together.

I am looking forward to an awesome year with my 5th grade students.


“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”

 - Albert Einstein

Teacher Schedule

  • Conference Time: 9:05 - 9:50