Phone: 281-634-8423
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Master of Education (M.Ed)
Ms. Kimberly R. Jones
Greetings Bears, I am Kimberly Jones. I would like to welcome you to what is going to be an AWESOME year! I currently hold a Master of Science in Education, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Jackson State University. I have 20 plus years of teaching and eagerly await the years to come. Teaching is a way for me to shape and build your child’s future. Believing in my students’ capabilities, self-worth, and their character has proven to build strong bonds. Every day, I set high expectations because I BELIEVE they can do it. Strongly encouraging students daily recognizes their abilities. I find it very rewarding to see learning manifest itself. I believe that I am teaching future lawyers, doctors, cutting-edge researchers, and, yes, educators. I consistently, positively empower students by expressing to them that I believe in them. I instill in them that they are destined for greatness!
Period 1: U.S. History
Period 2: U.S. History
Period 3: Conference
Period 4: U.S. History
Period 5: AAC- U.S. History
Period 6: U.S. History
Period 7: U.S. History
U.S. History Tutorial Schedule
Fridays 8:00 AM-8:40 AM
Students must be at the front door of the school at 8:00.