Phone: 281-634-0374


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A Psychology M.A.T Psychology/Social Science Special Education(EC-12) English Language Arts (4-8) Social Studies (4-8) ESL Supplement (EC-12)

DeShunda Turner-Smith


My name is DeShunda Turner Smith. I am a Special Education teacher here at Hightower High School. I have 19 years of teaching experience and have been employed with Fort Bend ISD for the past 12 years. I teach Applied English II and I also provide support to students in General Education English classes.

  • Period 1: Conference Period
    Period 2: In-class support-English II
    Period 3: In-class support- English II
    Period 4: In-class support-English I
    Period 5: Applied English II
    Period 6: Applied English II
    Period 7: Applied English II
  • Tutorial 1:Mondays-2:45-3:00 by appointments