Boys Athletics

  • 2024-2025 BB Schedule

    Track&Field Begins January 27, 2025

    Tennis Tryout Dates-January 27-29th

    Soccer Tryout Dates-March 17-19th 

    Things you will need before tryouts start: 1) Physical on file and RANKONE Forms complete. 2) Make sure you have the proper gear and footwear for tryouts. If you have a PE uniform, you can wear that to make it easy. 3) Stay on top of your grades. You must pass all seven of your classes to be eligible to play in games. If you are not passing a class, that could be the difference in whether you make the team!

    ** Dates for tryouts can change if there is a scheduling conflict.

    2024-2025 Year long sports calendar updated 10-3-24

    Physical Form 24-25

     Rankone Forms(electronic forms)

    Make sure you put a zero before the ID number. Upload your physical to this system as well. If you mark any question as a yes, you need to tell why it is a yes in the box below question 21.

    Click here for the Game tickets Link.

    Please don't email the counselors asking for your child to be in athletics.


Athletics Forms


Sport Head Coach Email
Athletic Coordinator Guerschom Gilles
Football Jeff Nichols
Tennis Jeff Nichols
Basketball Omari Jackson
Track Omari Jackson
Soccer Guerschom Gilles