Enrolling your student in Thurgood Marshall High School
You will need to complete the following steps to start the enrollment process for your student to come to Thurgood Marshall High School:
Check that you are zoned to Thurgood Marshall High School
Do this by going to Infofinder on the Fort Bend ISD website: http://www.infofinderi.com/tfi/address.aspx?cid=FBI-2B3JIB4YNDI
Parent Shortcuts / Bus Locator
Enter your address and your student's grade level and your zoned school will appear.
If you have a new home on a newly developed street or any other questions, you are welcome to call Transportation on 281-634-4077.
Complete the Online Registration
The Online Registration process is for ALL students who did not complete the previous school year at a Fort Bend ISD school.
There is a link for further instructions on accessing the Online Registration process in the menu list.
If you have any difficulties, please call the Help Line at 281-634-1300.
Gather all of your documents
⊗ Withdrawal paperwork from your student's current school
⊗ Transcript, test scores and current withdrawing grades for your student
⊗ Birth certificate
⊗ Social security card
⊗ Immunization records
⊗ Current photo ID for parent/guardian
(matching the name and address on the utility bill and proof of residence paperwork)
⊗ Current utility bill (water, gas or electricity only)
⊗ Current proof of residence
(current lease, settlement statement, property tax statement or mortgage statement)
Once you have completed the online enrollment, Mrs. Mary Esah Take (Registrar Assistant) will send you an email with all of the documents that she will need to complete the enrollment process (as listed above). Please upload as pdf documents.
Once enrolled, using the documents you provide from your student's previous school, the Counselor will create a schedule for your student.
Skyward/Family Access
It is important to remember the user name and password you set up to complete the online enrollment because you will use them over and over again to check grades, see messages from the teachers, receive report cards, check your student's attendance, see your student's transcript, see your student's GPA and rank and other very useful tools. At the beginning of each school year, and once your student is enrolled, we ask you to go in to update any email addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts and also advise if you give permission for your student to have access to technology.
To apply for Free OR Reduced Lunch, please do so on the Fort Bend ISD website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/334
Fort Bend ISD Online Registration
Step 1 Have your email address, username and password available before you begin the Online Registration process.
Step 2 Complete the Online Registration on your home computer OR using a computer in the Registrar’s Office at any Fort Bend ISD school.
Log on to https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/85
Select the New Student Registration button to access the registration portal.
Complete the online enrollment application, entering all information required.
Step 3 Once the online enrollment application is completed, you will receive an email listing the documents needed, and where to fax or email the documents to.
* Birth certificate
* Student's Social Security card
* Immunization records
* Proof of residence 1 (property deed, current lease, mortgage agreement, property tax bill)
* Proof of residence 2 - current utility bill (water, gas or electricity)
* A government issued photo ID of the student's parent or guardian, which shows their FBISD address