    AFJROTC Emblem                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    GOALS AND OBJECTIVES:  The goal of the Air Force Junior ROTC program is to help high school students become better citizens and leaders by instilling a sense of responsibility, character, and self-discipline.  The program promotes community service, education excellence, teamwork, fitness and personal development for success.  An underlying thread in JROTC is patriotism and pride in the institutions and values that make this country strong.

    JROTC “PILLARS”: We focus on citizenship and leadership in all we do.  Our cadets are heavily active in community service and beyond.  They respond with open hearts and hard work when it comes to helping others.  Leadership is reflected in every activity.  The cadets learn the fundamentals of good “followership” first, then develop sound leadership principles that will help them succeed in any environment. 

Contact Us

    MSgt Chatman
    (281) 634-6804 

General Information
