Withdrawing your student
Withdrawal Process:
End of School Year
If your student will not return for the next school year, please let the Registrar know - JaVonna.McWilliams@fortbendisd.gov or call 281-634-6660.
Please ensure you return your student's laptop and recharger cord to avoid a charge of $650.
For withdrawals after the first day of school:
Email Ms. Chrissy Flores (Assistant Registrar) at Chrissy.Flores@fortbendisd.govInclude your student's name / your driver's license / and the school your student will be attendingWe will require you to complete an Intent to Withdraw formWe will provide withdrawal paperwork with a transcript for the new school.Please ensure your student's laptop and charger are returned or make a payment of $650.00.If your student has an internet hotspot that also needs to be returned.