• The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment (TELPAS) assesses the progress that emergent bilingual (EB) students make in learning the English language. To view all Emergent Bilingual (EB) resources, visit the EB website.  

    Who will take the TELPAS?
    Students in grades K-12 who have been identified as an English learner (EL).
    What is TELPAS?
    TELPAS is an assessment program for students in Texas public schools who are learning the English language. The letters in TELPAS stand for the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System.
    When will students take TELPAS?
    ACHS will be giving the Listening and Speaking test on Thursday, March 21 and the Reading and Writing test on Friday, March 22. 
    Where do students take TELPAS?
    TELPAS tests are given to students here on campus at ACHS. They will be in regular classrooms that have been cleared and set up to make it easy to focus on the test. If students have certain special needs and require special accommodations, they may be tested in a different area of the school.
    Why do students take TELPAS?
    TELPAS tests are designed to measure the progress that each EB makes in becoming proficient in the use of academic English.
    How do students take TELPAS?
    TELPAS tests are offered in both paper and online formats.