• BMS Attendance FAQs

    What do I do if my child was marked absent by mistake?

    If you believe there was an error made in your child’s attendance, your child must contact the teacher that made the mistake.  If a correction needs to be made to your child’s attendance, the teacher will notify the attendance office.

    What is the latest I can pick up my child early?   

    The latest time to pick up a student from school is 3:30 pm.  The only exception is if the clinic sends your child home.

    How many days do I have to turn in an absence note?

    Per FBISD policy, a student has 5 school days to turn in an excuse note.  The note must include the student’s legal first and last name, ID number, grade, date(s) of absence, reason for absence, a parent signature, and a contact number in case there are any questions.

    Will an email/fax suffice as an absence note?

    Yes, an email/fax will suffice as an excuse note.  However, an email is the quickest way to know that the note was received.

    How many days can my child be absent before a doctor’s note is required?

    Per FBISD policy, a student must submit a doctor’s note after 4 consecutive days of being absent.  This means on the fourth consecutive day; a doctor’s note is required, or the absences will become unexcused.  If the student misses less than four consecutive days for illness, a parent note will suffice.

    Can I call ahead of time, so my child is waiting on me?

    No, we cannot call students from class until the parent/guardian is here to pick them up.  For this reason, it is recommended that you arrive 10 minutes earlier than you need the student to ensure there are no delays to your appointment.

    Will a phone call excuse a student’s absence?

    No, a phone call does not count as an excuse note; however, you may call to let us know that your student will be absent.

    Can I call to collect homework for my sick student?

    Yes, after your student has missed three consecutive days, you may call and request homework to be collected to your teachers.  Please call as early as possible to make sure here is adequate time to collect the work.  There will be a folder in the front office for you to pick up after 3:30 pm.

    Why was my child marked absent when I picked them up after 10:15 am?

    In middle and high school, we take true attendance. This means that we take attendance for every class period instead of just once a day.

    Do I have to walk my child in when they come in late?

    No, it is not necessary to walk your child in if they are late.