Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 327-8994
Degrees and Certifications:
B. A. Urban Education, specialization in English M.Ed. Educational Administration 1-8 English 1-8 Elementary; Self-contained 6-12 Speech Communications K-12 Principal Texas Education Agency Endorsements: English as a second language (ESL) Gifted & Talented (GT)
Mrs. Keri Gates
I was born in Des Moines, Iowa, but I escaped the cold as soon as possible! I moved to Texas as a youngster and attended schools in Clear Creek ISD in League City, Texas. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. While working full-time, I attended night classes at the University of Houston. I earned a B.A. in Urban Education (’01) and my M.A. In Educational Administration (’07).
I began teaching for 2000, and I still thoroughly enjoy what I do. My professional experience includes teaching English, teen leadership, AVID, speech, journalism, and broadcasting. James Bowie Middle School is a great place to work, and I value working with a caring and collaborative staff.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, attending UTSA football games with my family, and shopping at local farmers' markets. I am mom to a high school student and wife to a 7th grade Bowie math teacher & coach. As a working parent, I strive to maintain a balance between being present with my family and being passionate about my classroom.
My Teaching Philosophy
"Robert Fulgham said, “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” Everything I do is filtered through that thought. I believe skillful educators build caring relationships with students based on kindness and mutual respect. Junior high school students are beginning to define who they are, and I strive to give students the freedom to express their thoughts and ideas as diverse individuals, while also refining the art of effective listening.
Great educators provide opportunities for students to become equally versed as innovative collaborators and independent problem solvers; therefore, I deliver a challenging curriculum through a variety of rich, rigorous activities that spark genuine enthusiasm for learning. When students exit my class, I hope they are a little bit kinder, more confident in who they are, better prepared to embrace life’s challenges, and excited about future academic endeavors.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1 Broadcasting II -8th grade
Period 2 Broadcasting II -8th grade
Advisory GT Enrichment -7th & 8th grade
Period 3 Conference & Planning
Period 4 Intro to Broadcasting -7th grade
Period 5 Intro to Broadcasting -7th grade
Period 6 Intro to Broadcasting - 7th grade
Period 7 Intro to Broadcasting -7th grade
Tutorial Schedule
Tutorial 1
Tuesday 8:00am-8:50am
Every week, open to all.
Tutorial 2
Tuesday 4:15pm-5:00pm
By appointment only.