FBISD School Health Services program is dedicated to creating a culture of wellness that supports student success.
A Registered Nurse is assigned to each elementary and middle school campus while a Registered Nurse and Licensed Vocational Nurse are assigned to each high school campus.The school nurse assists students' physical, mental and social growth by providing a health services program that assesses, evaluates and improves the health of students and staff.
Please contact your school nurse regarding your student's health issues and concerns, hospitalizations and/or treatment changes.
- This announcement is for all parents of current 6th graders...students entering the 7th grade, in the fall, will need to have an updated immunization record showing that they have received both the Meningitis and Tdap vaccines. In many cases, students have already received the required vaccines but documentation was never submitted to the FSMS clinic. Records can be emailed, faxed, or dropped off at FSMS. All updated immunization records need to be submitted prior to June 1, 2016. School nurses do not work during the summer.
Clinic FAQs
Where is the clinic? We are located at the front of the building on the left hand side just beyond the Front office. You must check-in at the front office first and they will direct you to us.
What do you need to know about the health of my student? Yearly, parents/guardians will be requested to review/update their student’s health issues (if any) including allergies, current and previous health conditions and current medications (including those taken at home). Please keep the clinic updated of health issues, medication changes, extended illness and hospitalizations during the year. This is important information for us to keep current in our records. Often the school nurse is the last to know!
What health information is shared with the faculty? Critical alerts such as insulin dependent diabetes, life-threatening allergies, and seizures are shared with the student’s teachers each semester. Other health concerns are shared if this knowledge or lack of knowledge may affect your student’s health, safety, or educational needs. We respect your wishes in this area.
What if my student is ill? Please keep you student home if he/she has had a temperature of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours (giving Tylenol, Advil, or generic equivalents to lower the temp does not count), if your student is throwing up before school, if he/she has had diarrhea within the past 24 hours or if he/she is feeling too ill to come to school. If your student gets ill with any of these symptoms at school, he or she has to go home.
How does my student contact me about illnesses or injuries at school? Your student needs to come to the clinic. If you get a text from your student that he/she is ill, please tell him/her to go to the clinic. Your student can call you from the clinic. It is very awkward for you to show up to pick up your student before your student has come to the clinic.
Who can pick up my student? A parent or guardian should pick up a student. If you choose to send a friend or family member, please speak to us first so we do not keep this person standing in the clinic while we try to contact you. If your student cannot reach you and has exhausted every contact number for you and left verbal messages for you, we will attempt to contact your designated alternates.
Is my student excused if he goes home from the clinic? Yes, the clinic sign-out sheet serves as your note for that day only. Even if you are told that your student must remain home for the next day, you must provide a note for the attendance office.
What is the proper way to handle medications needed during the school day? Students are not allowed to carry medications at school with the exceptions of emergency medications (inhalers, Epipens and Insulin). All medication must be delivered to clinic by the parent or guardian, in the original container, with paperwork stating the full name of the student, the physician’s name, the name of the medication, the amount of medication to be given, when the medication is to be given, the length of time the medication is to be given, the reason the medication is to be given and your signature and date. District medication forms are located on the website: www.fortbendisd.com/Page/888 Emergency meds have different forms that must be updated yearly. Please see the nurse at the beginning of each school year. Medications should be picked up within 2 weeks of the end of treatment or at the end of the school year. Medications left at the end of the school year will be properly discarded.
What about immunizations? Parents/guardians are responsible for providing and updating the required immunization records for your student to enter school and remain in school. We send reminders of upcoming immunization due dates for your convenience.
What if my student is injured, temporarily disabled or recovering from an illness or surgery? We are your student’s advocate. We can write a pass for additional time between classes, we can contact teachers and coaches about activity restrictions and other needed classroom interventions. Please keep us informed!
Contact Us
Kristen Leos
Olawunmi Ajike
Nurse Aide