Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-1539


Degrees and Certifications:

Teacher Certification for Math and Science (4-8) Teacher Certification for Spanish (6-12) Psychologist (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia)

Ms. Alexandra Wagner Lombana

I was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia.  I studied Psychology at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Catholic University in Bogota, Colombia) and obtained the title as a Doctor in Psychology.  After my college education, I had the great opportunity to work for Shell Colombia, Human Resources Department, for 7 years. In 1991, I got married and moved to the United States.  From this marriage I have two wonderful children.  Once my children were in school, I decided to study Criminal Justice at the University of Houston.  Also, I wanted to work teaching and what better than becoming a math teacher!  I worked to certify myself as a Math and Science teacher and also obtain my certification to teach Spanish.   I have been with FBISD since August 2005.  For 7 years I worked as the Math and Science GT teacher.  Then, I moved to Middle School and taught 6th grade for 12 years.  Based on my scores and class management I was offered the possibility to teach 8th grade curriculum.  I am delighted to experience this new opportunity I was given and I am expecting nothing else but success in every manner.   

Teacher Schedule

  • This school year, classes will be from Monday to Friday, 7 periods per day, each with an instruction time of approximately 50 minutes. 
    Regular (no Advisory) days are Monday, Thursday and Friday.   Tuesday and Wednesday are Advisory days.  We are on schedule D for lunch. 
    Tutorials: Monday and Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Excluding teacher's duty days.  Students will need a teacher's pass
    Conference time:  During 5th Period (1:45 to 2:15).

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials will be offered Mondays and Thursdays from 8:10 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.  In the weekly Newsletter this event will be reminded or if there is a change.

    You will need a special pass in order to attend tutorials.