Teacher Information

Phone: (281)634-7516
Degrees and Certifications:
B.Ed. Secondary Education M.A. Education in Curriculum Instruction (ESL) Ed.D. Literacy and Reading Leadership certifications: Master Reading Teacher EC - 12 English as a Second Language 4 - 12 English Language Arts and Reading 4 - 8 English Language Arts and Reading 8 - 12 Principal as Instructional Leader EC - 12 National Board Certified Teacher Recognitions 2017 -2018 FBISD ESL Teacher of the Year 2022 -2023 HBMS Teacher of the Year 2022-2023 SHABE Teacher of the Year
Dr. Rachel Butiko
My name is Dr. Rachel Butiko. I teach ESL Beginners and coordinate ESL and LPAC activities on campus. As an educator, I believe that every student can learn and be successful when provided with appropriate support. My goal is to create a learning environment where all students can take risks, challenge themselves to realize their potential, be inspired, motivated, and equipped with skills for life. I also build teacher capacity by mentoring new teachers, coaching teachers in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) strategies, and providing in-class support.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: ESL Beginner EnglishPeriod 2: ESL Beginner ReadingPeriod 3: ConferencePeriod 4: In class support (8th Grade Science)Period 5: In class support (8 Grade USA History)Period 6: In class support (8th Grade Math)Period 7: Compliance/PLC: Advisory: Tuesday & Wednesday
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Monday 4:10 - 5:10Wednesday 8:25 - 8:45