Phone: 281 634-4350


Degrees and Certifications:

Master of Arts in English Texas Teacher Certificate for Secondary English grade 6-12 Texas Teacher Certificate for Secondary English as Second Language grade 6-12 Bachelor of Arts in in English

Ms. Naihsin Wu

 In the 2024-2025  school year,  I am teaching 6th, 7th and 8th grade ESL intermediate English and reading. I also support EB students in 7th grade Texas History, 7th grade math, and 7th grade science.

  • Period 1: Intermediate ESL English 
    Period 2: Intermediate ESL Reading
    Period 3: Conference and Planning 
    Period 4: Support EB students in Texas History
    Period 5: Support EB students in 7th grade math
    Period 6: Support EB students in 7th grade Science 
    Period 7:  Compliance
    Wednesday: 11:00- 11:30 a.m.