Teacher Information

Phone: 713.634.8750
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey Certifications: Teacher of Mathematics (grade 8-12) from New Jersey and Texas
Mr. Alexander Chan
I graduated from Rutgers University, the state university of New Jersey, with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. I have taught Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and AP Calculus. This year I am teaching Algebra 2. My personal philosophy in education is “if you are focused on the answer, you are focused on the wrong thing." My personal belief is that you should be focused on how to arrive at the answer, not the answer itself. My goal is not to teach math; rather, I want to teach students how to critically think. It is my sincerest desire to assist them in becoming problem solvers for situations students will likely encounter in life after graduation.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Algebra 2Period 2: Algebra 2Period 3: Algebra 2Period 4: Conference PeriodPeriod 5: Algebra 2Period 6: Algebra 2Period 7: Algebra 2Period 8: Algebra 2
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tutorials will be on Tuesday and Thursday after school 3-4pm. If I'm available, other days can be requested.