Welcome to CSE!


Welcome Parents, Community Members, and Future Chameleons. 

Cornerstone Elementary School (CSE) opened its doors in 2007, and as our motto states, has been "Dedicated to Excellence: Every Moment, For Every Student ever since!   We not only provide quality instruction, but also have many clubs and engaging events. Team CSE is dedicated to the success of each student, providing differentiated instruction in all content areas.  We truly believe in providing quality educational experiences for every child. Our teachers take time to get to know your child on an academic as well as a personal level.  

Beyond the walls of your child's general education classroom, our Enrichment Teachers will provide learning experiences for your child in the fine arts, STEM and physical education classes, building a positive foundation for a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle.  With a CREST award winning counselor on staff, CSE is sure to provide support for your student's social and emotional well-being.   The library is a place where books come alive and imaginations strive.  Our teachers take time to get to know your child on an academic as well as a personal level. 

Thank you for visiting our website.  We are excited to share more about our school with current and prospective students and families!


All children who are four years of age or over, but younger than 21 years of age on September 1 of any school year in which admission is sought and who reside within FBISD or has a parent/legal guardian (assigned by a court of law) who resides within FBISD are eligible to attend FBISD schools.

Registration must be completed at the school in which the child's residence address is zoned within FBISD (with the exception of Prekindergarten, see below); therefore, parents must contact their child's zoned school for additional enrollment information.

Please use the following link to learn more about the District's online enrollment process.  Click Here