About Mrs. Sabio

Phone: (281) 634 6400
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Education Certified English as a Second Language Certified Gifted and Talented
Mrs. Mary Sabio
Hello Chameleons! I am moving up to Fifth Grade ELA/Social Studies. I have been at Cornerstone since it opened in 2007 and with FBISD for over 23 years.
I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree from Towson State University in Maryland and hold certificates for ESL and GT Education. I have done post graduate work at San Diego State.
My family has lived in Texas for over 25 years. My husband, Jeremy, and I have four daughters and one granddaughter.
I love to travel and want to see as much of the world as I can. I love warm climates and beaches. I love to eat seafood and really enjoy crawfish season.
Ms. Sabio's Schedule
8:05 - 8:10 Homeroom8:10 - 9:05 ELAR9:05 - 9:50 Outclass9:50 - 10:35 ELAR10:35 - 11:20 Intervention/WIN11:20 - 11:35 ELAR11:35 - 12:00 Social Studies12:00 - 12:25 Social Studies12:25 - 1:05 ELAR1:05 - 1:35 LUNCH1:35 - 2:05 RECESS2:05 - 3:20 ELAR3:25 Dismissal
Conference Time
Conferences scheduled as needed.