• Parents

Helpful Information

  • Arrival/Dismissal: Students may not arrive on camups before 7:30 am.  Doors remain locked and school staff are not on duty until 7:30 am.  All students must be picked up by 3:25 pm each school day.

    Drop off and Pick up Reminders: Car rider drop off is in the back of the school  We ask that parents please stay in the car line and properly drop off your child.  It is not permitted to let your child out in the faculty parking lot in the front of the school, as this is a serious safety concern.   For the afternoon pick-up, the car line is in the back of the school.   Again, please stay in the car line to pick up your child.  Please use the designated school car tag and display on your rearview mirror.  If you need a car tag please visit our front office.  If you need an additional or replacement car tag you may purchase one for $5.

    Buses drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon at the front of the school.  

    Birthday Celebrations: A student’s birthday may be minimally celebrated in the classroom through a song or special recognition. Parents can bring store bought cupcakes, including napkins, for the class to celebrate their child’s birthday which will be given out towards the end of the school day on Fridays only. The linked form below must be completed and sent to the Front Office when cupcakes are brought to the school. The store bought cupcakes must have a nutrition label attached. Birthday parties, balloons and other treats are not allowed at school.

    Attendance: Attendance is taken daily by 10:00 am.  Students who are not in class by 10:00 am will be marked absent for the day.  Students who arrive to school after 8:10 am will be considered tardy. Students need to bring a note or parents can email a note to attendance.oce@fortbendisd.com . Notes must state the date of and reason for the absence, along with the child's name, grade and a phone number to contact the parent/guardian should there be any questions.  Please send a doctor's note for absences requiring a doctor's visit.  All notes must be received five (5) days after each absence or consecutive absences.  The linked form below is an absence form for your convenience.

    Daily Schedule:

      GRADE                     CONFERENCE         LUNCH             RECESS



    12:40 – 1:10




    12:10 – 12:40

    11:40 – 12:10


    11:50– 12:40

    10:05 – 10:35

    12:45– 1:15


    12:45 – 1:35

    10:35 – 11:05

    10:05 – 10:35


    1:40 2:30

    11:40 – 12:10

    11:10 – 11:40



