• Why join the OCE Art Club?
    As a member, you will be participating in a variety of activities such as: painting, sculpture, drawing, and recycled art. You will also participate in group projects to support our school and community. Please be aware that any inappropriate behavior could lead to the removal of your student from club participation. Art Club will consist of 4th and 5th grade students who meet the following criteria:
    ·       Academically passing all classes
    ·       Has only S’s or E’s in conduct from all classes (including academic and outclass)
    ·       Sponsorship of your teacher
             o   Homeroom teacher must sign the application
    ·       Art Club will meet Thursdays from 3:45-4:45. Any student picked up after 5:00 is considered a late pick up.
             o    1 late pick-up; the student will be placed on probation
             o    2 late pick-ups; the student will be removed from the club
    ·       Excused absences must be accompanied by a note from a parent or guardian.
             o   An absence is considered excused if the student is sick or at a doctor’s appointment, etc.
             o   An absence is not excused if the student forgot they had club that day.
             o    2 unexcused absences= the student will be placed on probation
             o    3 unexcused absences= the student will be removed from the club

    Comments (-1)

Ms. Susan Reyna

Phone: 281-634-2269


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Susan Reyna