Phone: 281-329-0697
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Biology Core Subjects Early Childhood - 6 Special Education Early Childhood-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Early Childhood-12 Science of Teaching Reading
Ms. T'Kheynah La Van
My name is T'Kheynah La Van and I am the SAILS (Succeeding in Academics and Independent Living Skills) teacher at Oyster Creek Elementary. I have worked in education for seven years. This is my fourth year as a Special Education teacher. Before teaching, I served the special education population as a Paraprofessional in the ABC and CLASS settings. I graduated from Lamar University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Chemistry.
The SAILS classroom is designed to provide students with significant cognitive disabilities a educational program that focuses on life skills such as personal care (ex: hygiene maintenance), communication, functional academic (ex: reading signs in the community/recipe, planning a grocery list and knowing how much money will be needed) and social skills (being able to communicate and interact with other appropriately).
I am excited to have your child in my class this school year! I am ready to get to know and learn with your child. My goal every year is for each student to end the school year with increased abilities, independence and confidence. Parent involvement is crucial to a child's growth. I am also looking forward to working with you to assist your child in reaching and surpassing their goals!!
Teacher Schedule
8:15a - 9:00a: Morning Meeting
2:40p - 3:15: Snack / Restroom / Dismissal
Conference Time
Tuesday/Thursday 8:15a - 9:00a