• Welcome to Band! 


    Beginning Band I 
    In beginning band, students are taught the proper care, holding/handling, and fingering of instruments. Music fundamentals are taught to enable students to recognize and apply musical signs, symbols and terms. Attitudes toward cooperative effort and enthusiastic band spirit are stressed. Winter and/or spring concerts constitute the performance of this band. Students are required to purchase their own instruments. (Instruments may also be obtained through a rental/purchase agreement.) It may be necessary to purchase some materials for uniformity of dress for performance purposes.

    Symbonic Band - Band II
    (Prerequisite: Band I or approval of band director) 
    Band II continues the development of instrumental musicianship. Leadership, responsibility, cooperation, self-discipline, and concentration are stressed. Students may be required to purchase the appropriate instrument. (Instruments may also be obtained through a rental/purchase agreement.) The school furnishes larger instruments such as tubas, French horns, and percussion equipment for classroom use. It may be necessary to purchase some materials for uniformity of dress for performance purposes.

    Honor Band-Band III
    (Prerequisite: Band II or approval of band director) 
    This band stresses instrumental musicianship through performance and competition. Students continue to refine and develop skills of responsibility, leadership, cooperation, and artistic expression. Students may be required to purchase the appropriate instrument. (Instruments may also be obtained through a rental/purchase agreement.) The school furnishes larger instruments such as tubas, French horns, and percussion equipment for classroom use. It may be necessary to purchase some materials for uniformity of dress for performance purposes.