School Health Services
School Health Services FBISD School Health Services program is dedicated to creating a culture of wellness that supports student success. Please contact your school nurse regarding your student's health issues and concerns, hospitalizations, and/or treatment changes. We look forward to working with you!
ATTENTION: All sixth-grade students who will be entering seventh grade in the coming school year will be required to show proof of having received all three of the following three vaccines:
- The Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis)
- The meningococcal vaccine
- A second varicella vaccine (As in the past, a written statement from the parent or legal guardian or physician documenting a child’s positive history of varicella disease [chickenpox] is acceptable in lieu of either dose of varicella vaccine.)
Please check with your medical provider to see if your child has already had these immunizations. We will need an updated shot record as soon as possible to avoid delinquent records on the first day of school. According to our current school immunization records, the vast majority of sixth-grade students will need these shots. Therefore, it is a good idea to provide us with your child’s updated shot record by mid-May, so that your child’s immunization status will be in compliance with the new rules before summer vacation. Processing new records takes some time and school nurses do not work during the summer. Presenting an updated shot record on the day before school starts does not guarantee that the student’s records will be processed in time for the start of school. The earlier we receive the records, the better.
By law, students will not be allowed to attend classes without evidence of having received these immunizations. The new vaccination rules in detail can be found on the Texas DSHS (Department of State Health Services) immunization website: Click on School & Child-Care Facility Requirements and then Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades k-12..