Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-0986
Degrees and Certifications:
Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education Teacher Certification - Elementary Education K thru 8 Teacher Certification - Physical Education K thru 12 GT/Pre-AP trained
Mrs. Jamie Holdsworth
This is my 24th year teaching math at Sugar Land Middle School. I currently teach Algebra AAC and Seventh AAC but I have taught all levels of math during my years here at SLMS. I have always enjoyed math and I went to elementary career day as a teacher.
I grew up in Sugar Land and I am a product of Fort Bend ISD. I attended Lakeview Elementary, Sugar Land Middle School, and Clements High School. I did my undergraduate studies at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville and my graduate work at University of Houston.
I am married and have a daughter. I enjoy being in water - - skiing, swimming, or relaxing by reading when I have free time.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Algebra 1 AACPeriod 2: Algebra 1 AACPeriod 3: Math 7 AACPeriod 4: ConferencePeriod 5: Algebra 1 AACPeriod 6: Algebra 1 AACPeriod 7: Math 7 AAC
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tutorials: Tuesday & Thursday mornings - beginning at 8:20am when the doors open or when your bus arrivesStudents were given a blue tutorial pass that is good all year long. New passes available on my desk.