Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-8884


Degrees and Certifications:

Generalist (EC-6) English as a Second Language (ESL) School Counseling

Mrs. Emily Gilmore

My name is Emily Gilmore, and I am a third grade teacher. I have a Bachelor's degree from Texas A&M University and a Master's degree from Lamar University. I've been a Drabek Dragon since 2015. I am passionate about building relationships with students and partnering with families to ensure student success. I work to inspire and equip all of my students to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine! 

Teacher Schedule

  • 8:05am Arrival/Tardy Bell 

    8:15-9:00am Conference Period

    11:30-12:00pm Recess

    12:00-12:30pm Lunch

    3:25pm Dismissal