Phone: 281-329-0711


Degrees and Certifications:

BA: Psychology and Human Development MA: Applied Behavior Analysis Special Education Certification EC-6 General Certification Science of Teaching Reading Certification

Jami Simpson

Mrs. Simpson received her Bachelors degree in Psychology from SFA and her Masters degree in Behavior Analysis with a focus in Autism. She began working with students with Autism after graduating college in 2019. This is her fourth year teaching in the Special Education classroom. Mrs. Simpson has a certificate in Special Education as well as Core Subjects Early Childhood-6th grade and the Science of Teaching Reading.

Teacher Schedule

  • Arrival- 7:40-8:10

    Lunch- 11:00-11:30

    Rest Time- 11:45-12:45

    Outclass- 1:15-1:55

    Teacher Conference- 1:15-1:55

    Recess- 2:00-2:30

    Snack- 2:35-2:50

    Dismissal- 3:15

Teacher Tutorial Schedule