• Missed School? What to do when your student is absent with email and hand holding pen icon


    • Within 5 school days after the absence:

      • Email an absence note to the school's attendance clerk
      • Turn in the absence note once the student returns to school

      Absence notes must be received by the Attendance Office within 5 days of returning to school, or it will result in an unexcused absence. Parents can attach supporting documents, such as doctor's notes, to absence note emails.


    • The district attendance policies and procedures can be found in the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook.

      Tardies/Arriving Late to School

      • Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:05 am. If the student arrives after 10:00 a.m. (official attendance time), the student will be marked absent. 

      Leaving School Early

      • Parents and students must adhere to the following procedures:
        • Please send an email to the Attendance Office prior to 2:30 pm so we can have your child ready for pick up.
        • For your student's safety, parents/guardians picking up the student MUST be on that student's emergency contact list and have a valid picture ID.


    • Daily attendance in school is a strong indicator of future success.

      Per the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook provided by Texas Education Agency, a student is considered either present or absent at the official attendance-taking time, known as snapshot.

      Each campus attendance is determined by the number of students present at this important designated snapshot time. The elementary school snapshot time is 10:00 a.m.

      To ensure academic engagement and successful learning, all students should be present daily by snapshot and remain academically engaged all day. 


    • Within 5 school days after the absence:

      • Attendance is taken at 10:00 am each day.
      • In accordance with state law, a student is either present or absent for the entire day at the 10:00 attendance bell. A student may be counted as present if they are with a health care professional at 10:00 and return to school with a note from the doctor.
      • If a student is absent, a note must be sent within 5 days of returning to school. If a note is not received within 5 days, the absence will automatically be marked as unexcused.
      • Notes should include the student's full name - first and last, date (s) of absence(s), and reason for the absence(s).
      • Notes can be emailed to AttendanceCME@fortbendisd.com, or a paper note can be turned into the front office or the teacher.
      • A signed, parent note can be used to excuse illness absences for days 1-3. A medical note is needed to excuse absences for illness starting on absence day 4 and beyond.
      • After 3 unexcused absences, a student will receive a letter from the FBISD truancy officer. Excessive absences can result in retention.
      • State law requires students to be in attendance at least 90% of the days available for school. 18 absences or more (total of excused and unexcused) may result in retention.

       Excused absences include:

      • Illness
      • Death in the family
      • Approved religious holidays
      • This is a non-inclusive list. Please contact the attendance office if you have questions.

      Students are allowed to make-up their work for excused absences. Students have the number of days to make-up work equal to the number of excused absence days.

      Unexcused absences include:

      • Travel
      • Religious holidays not recognized by the district
      • Inclement weather not approved by the district
      • This is a non-inclusive list. Please contact the attendance office if you have questions.