
  • The Fort Bend Independent School District Department of Fine Arts instills a life-long appreciation for the fine arts, cultivates discipline, fosters enduring character traits, and equips students with the 21st Century skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. 

    Art I

    This course is designed to enable students to develop their problem-solving and creative thinking skills while teaching them to to perceive the world around them, interpret emotion through a variety of artistic media, and evaluate their own artwork as well as work of other artists. Students explore basic elements of art and principles of design using a variety of media and technique concentrating on both traditional and contemporary. Students are required to purchase their own materials as recommended from the supply list. An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    Art II

    Students continue to explore basic elements of art and principles of design using a variety of media and techniques. Art appreciation and art history are basic to the course. Students work on honing their critical analysis skills and recreating traditional as well as contemporary works of art. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions. Students are required to purchase their own materials as recommended from the supply list. An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    Art III

    Students continue to practice and apply the basic elements of art and principles of design. Students continue their progress with more advanced techniques both traditional and contemporary, using a variety of media. Originality of work and creativity are stressed in order to develop the higher order thinking skills of evaluation, reasoning and justification. Students are encouraged to take creative risks, thus improving their self-concept through competency with techniques and various mark making tools. Art appreciation and art history are basic to the course. Creating a portfolio of works, including sketchbook is required. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions. Students are required to purchase their own materials as recommended from the supply list. An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    The Core Seven: Why Art Matters 

    The realm of art is vast, and its significance has evolved over time. However, there are seven primary reasons why art has remained indispensable to humanity:

    1. Escape from Reality: Art offers a haven from the every day, allowing us to step into different worlds and perspectives.
    2. Fostering Community: It establishes a shared identity and sense of belonging among diverse groups.
    3. Self-Expression and Awareness: Art provides a platform to voice our feelings, thoughts, and identities.
    4. Contemplation and Reflection: Through art, we can introspect and ponder life's mysteries.
    5. Entertainment and Joy: Beyond its deeper meanings, art can also be sheer fun and enjoyment.
    6. Eliciting Strong Reactions: Art has the power to inspire awe, wonder, and introspection.

    The Intrinsic Value of Art

    While art's monetary worth can be significant, its true value lies in its creation. The emotions, skills, and creativity poured into each piece are what makes it invaluable. Artists aim to leave a lasting impact, ensuring their creations resonate and endure. Furthermore, art serves as a cultural ambassador, educating us about diverse lifestyles and histories.