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Viking FAQ's

  • Try these study tips to manage your studies for semester exams:

    1. Designate a consistent homework/study time:

            - Recent research suggests that students who study in the same location for a consistent amount of time show greater academic growth.


    2.  Create an effective study space:

              - Regardless of where, keep the focus on what counts - completing quality work by the deadline.


    3.  Organize study materials:

              - Organize your folders/binders for each class ahead of time,  and when it's time to study you should have everything you need!


    4.  Take Notes.

              - Writing down important points is one of the best ways to learn them.  Look for the most important ideas and write those down. You are 70% more likely to remember something if you write it down.


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Viking Tips

  • Having difficulty with your locker? Watch the video below for a "how to" and remember, if you can't get it open at school, any teacher or principal can help you.