Phone: 281-634-3846
Degrees and Certifications:
BA, William Patterson University Teaching Certification Pre-K through 8 ESL Certification
Mrs. Anita Soffar
I love teaching and learning! I am excited to start 2024 as an EL Specialist at Austin Parkway and Settlers Way Elementary schools. This marks my 30th year of teaching and my 16th year as an EL Specialist. As a child of immigrant parents, English was not my first language. I spoke Norwegian until I entered kindergarten. I have experienced and understand the challenges students face to understand content as they are learning English. I enjoy helping teachers’ accommodate instruction for students and monitor their linguistic growth. My husband, Randy Soffar is a realtor and musician. Every day I look forward to coming to school. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at Else.soffar@fortbendisd.gov.
Teacher Schedule
As an EL Specialist, I work in classrooms with teachers and provide intervention for Emergent Bilingual students. Please refer to each grade level's intervention time. You may email me at else.soffar@fortbendisd.gov
Ana Molina is the EL Compliance Aide at Settlers Way Elementary. If you have any questions, please email her at ana.molina@fortbendisd.gov
Conference Period
If you would like to set up a conference, please email me at else.soffar@fortbendisd.gov.