

Degrees and Certifications:

Studio Art BA from UT Austin, a Culinary Arts AAS from Seattle Central College Teacher Leadership MEd from Lamar

Ms. Najet A. Ayachi

Welcome to the exciting world of Visual ARTS! 

My name is Najet Alexa Ayachi and this is my 20th year of teaching.😊

As the child of educators, I grew up in the Galveston area and earned a Studio Art BA from UT Austin, a Culinary Arts AAS from Seattle Central College, and a Teacher Leadership MEd from Lamar.

I spent 14 years teaching K-12 military-connected children for the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) in Turkey, the Azores archipelago, and South Carolina.  

I am a firm believer in cultivating empathy and respect for our diverse world and people and find that travel provides an effective tool to support this mindset for kids of all ages.

SWE reflects a beautiful mix of countries, cultures, languages, and customs and it is my distinct privilege to provide a creative and informative ART experience to our Soaring Students!

  • 4th Grade 9:10-9:55

    3rd Grade 10-10:45

    Lunch/Conference Period 10:45-12:00

    Kindergarten 12:00-12:45

    1st 12:50-1:35

    2nd 1:40-2:25

    PLC 2:35-3:20

  • By Appointment Only