Phone: (281)-634-3600


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts Special Education EC-12 Generalist 4-8

Linda Scott

My name is Linda Scott, and I am an educator. I have been a middle school educator for 10 years and in the educational arena for 16 years.  I am always learning and growing within my profession. I have experienced several roles within my educational experience including, being a resource/inclusion teacher, a credit recovery specialist and an instructional assistant in the behavioral classroom.

I am a lifelong learner. In addition to my Associates in Computer Technology-Information Systems, I have a Bachelor's in Applied Arts and Science, including certification in Special Education and Generalist 4-8. I enjoy ongoing professional development opportunities. I have attended a variety of workshops and in-service training sessions provided by the district.

Currently, I am working on a Master’s degree in Education with a certificate in educational diagnostician.

  • Period 1: Inclusion 
    Period 2: Conference
    Period 3: Inclusion
    Period 4: Inclusion
    Period 5:Basic ELA 6
    Period 6: Basic ELA 7
    Period 7: Basic ELA 8
  • Tutorials: Available upon request on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings, 8:15-8:45